Most of my early professional work was ethnographic, having received doctoral training in anthropology. I later began crafting stories with materials, sounds and light to express what is beyond language. I still work in relationship with people but mostly, nowadays, with plants and soils whose lessons are far worthier of our attention.


Track & Field Events

I just finished the long jump. I think I came in third. Pretty good considering I leapt from a standing position.

Yep, I'm in my new work-shop at The Old American Can Factory. Space outside opens space inside…I can think again! I'm also making stuff again. So far I've built two desks (one for Rico) and a drawing table. He and I have also been repurposing various things left behind by the former studio tenants (love set designers).

I'm wrapping up a few client projects and then it’s 100% attention to our retail shop + new goods. Yes! 

Photo by OSTILL/iStock / Getty Images
Photo by OSTILL/iStock / Getty Images

Au Bonheur des Dames (The Ladies’ Paradise)

The Five Stages of Quitting Farming