Most of my early professional work was ethnographic, having received doctoral training in anthropology. I later began crafting stories with materials, sounds and light to express what is beyond language. I still work in relationship with people but mostly, nowadays, with plants and soils whose lessons are far worthier of our attention.


Arcangel + Harvestworks

I’m looking forward to seeing Cory Arcangel's show @ The Whitney. It's not always my bag visually, but I like what he shakes up. He and I worked together in a few fun + funny bursts the late ’90s, early '00 when he was on staff at Harvestworks. Crazy quicksmart, wily dude. He mixed my CDs of playground soundscapes in Steinway and kids songs about Colombian + Irish shopkeepers in Woodside. Those were my super fun (very Queens-centric) years running school programs for City Lore. Aw hell, we’re all adults now. But so far, that’s meant a steadier supa dupa. 

nb: cory’s collection, "sorry i haven’t posted" of blogger apologies is hillarious. V I V A !

10 Ways that Places Matter

People Generally