Most of my early professional work was ethnographic, having received doctoral training in anthropology. I later began crafting stories with materials, sounds and light to express what is beyond language. I still work in relationship with people but mostly, nowadays, with plants and soils whose lessons are far worthier of our attention.


Flying Cartography

A billowy, inky graphic visualizes facts about world airline routes and popular destinations. Interesting companion info:

  • Every country in the world, no matter how small or poor, has at least one airline
  • Some of these airlines, particularly in Africa, have only one or two planes, often second or third hand 737s
  • Any country with a plane big enough has a flight to New York City
  • There are more airlines in Europe than anywhere else on earth

via Example Infographics

Kintsukuroi :: Kintsugi

Ras. Ma. Lai